Saddleback Business Park’s custom Lobby Sign by Focal Point Signs; one of our favorite types of signs to work with customers on are lobby signs. Partly because there is a tremendous sense of pride knowing that the first impression of an Office Building is often the Lobby Sign. It sets the tone and creates expectations of what the experience in the building will be. The Lobby Sign is an extension of the buildings’ personality and the companies’ brand. The sign can be lovely and solemn like a beautiful high-brow woman or fun and colorful like an exuberant child. Every Lobby Sign is its own custom, one of a kind creation. Like Michelangelo working on his David, we get completely entrapped in the creative process excitedly passing back and forth ideas on the materials we can marry to create the overall “theme” and feeling. Yes! Lobby Signs are a passion!! Let us render in Illustrator the object of our obsession. Give us aluminum and acrylic and let our hands begin to play the instruments of our trade! The panel saw, router, and flame polisher! Ah, the smell of substrate being molded to our very desire. Carpe diem!
On the, albeit, selfish side, it’s also just plain fun for us to work with Lobby Signs. On installation day the energy is palpable in the air. Employees find reasons to linger a little longer to watch the new creation go up. Everyone is happy. It’s like getting a new car, or new jewelry for the office walls! I am blessed to be in a trade that gives me and all of our employees a sense of pride and accomplishment. We actually get to see the end result of our labors, and know that for years to come our creation will grace the office lobby and like a silent stalwart, greet all who enter.
We recently had the privilege of making an astonishingly elegant Lobby Sign for Saddleback Business Park, and I have to say it really is the center piece of the office. The elegance is in the simplicity of the design and how well it works with surrounding colors. I thought it would be interesting for anyone considering a similar approach to their lobby sign to see the process, so we made this video. If you are looking for a new Lobby Sign and want to work with people who get excited about projects and really want to work with you, then give us a call at 714-204-0180.